
CPEC further Strengthened Pakistan-China All-Weather Friendship By Zahid Anwar

Prof. Dr Zahid Anwar, Chairman, of the Peace, Education and Development Foundation (PEDF) visited the China Embassy in Islamabad and, held a meeting with His Excellency Zhang Heqing, the cultural councillor, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, Islamabad and discussed different avenues of cooperation in education, culture and development. Mr Zhang Heqing appreciated the achievements of Prof Anwar as Director, of the China Study Center at the University of Peshawar, Pakistan. On the occasion Prof Zahid Anwar said that the iron-clad friendship between Pakistan and China flourished with the passage of time and under President Xi Jinping programs of BRI, CPEC and shared future which are based on a win-win model will further strengthen the close relations between China and Pakistan. On occasion, Mr Zhang appreciated the translation of Sun Tzu’s book, “The Art of War” into the Pashto language under the directorship of Prof Anwar as the Pashto language is one of the official languages of Afghanistan and also widely spoken and understood by Pakistani people particularly the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan. Madam Huang Xiaohong, 2nd Secretary also participated in the meeting.  In the end, Chairman PEDF thanked Mr ZHANG Heqing for his support and cooperation. Prof Anwar also met Madam WANG Yiqiu and thoroughly discussed with her further collaboration in education, peace and development. Prof Zahid Anwar highlighted the significance of CPEC which considerably helped in addressing Pakistan`s problems related to energy, physical infrastructure, roads, ports, telecommunications and issues related to socio-economic development. He hoped that despite many challenges CPEC projects would be completed due to the resilience and commitment of the two peoples.

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