Chairman’s Message

The PEDF is made to contribute to the efforts for addressing the issues of poverty, ignorance, violence and backwardness in Pakistan. It is indeed a great pleasure to say that the PEDF (Peace, Education and Development Foundation). has come into existence and will contribute to the efforts for promotion of peace, higher education and development of Pakistani society. Through quality research, practical steps and short trainings the PEDF will achieve these goals. The region especially Pakistan has suffered for the last several decades due to weak peace, violence, ignorance and backwardness. Collective, organized and scientific actions are required for strengthening peace, promoting higher education and sustainable development. The PEDF will organize seminars, conferences, workshops and symposiums to provide a platform to experts and to disseminate information about the issues under focus. The PEDF has started its research journal JHEDS (Journal of Higher Education and Development Studies) to publish quality research about the issues related to conflict resolution, regional connectivity, higher education, sustainable development and poverty alleviation. The PEDF welcomes cooperation, support and contributions to strengthen the collective efforts for achieving the set goals.

Prof. Dr. Zahid Anwar,

Chairman, PEDF, Peshawar, Pakistan